This morning it was announced that Netflix’s live-action take on beloved anime series, Cowboy Bebop, would debut on November 19th. To go along with this announcment, we also got our first real look at the character’s live action incarnations. Check it out.
This picture shows the 3 leads, Spike (John Cho), Jet (Mustafa Shakir) and Faye (Danielle Pineda) all sitting on the couch in their ship, the Bebop. Its always a little jarring seeing something from animation transformed to live-action. However, they all look pretty good! Spike in the anime never struck me as someone who had overtly Asian features, so Cho looks a little off but otherwise he’s the spitting image of the cool, collected Spike.
Mustafa Shakir you may recognize from Netflix’s older hit show, Marvel’s Luke Cage where he played Bushwacker. His Jet Black looks super spot on, despite being much darker in skin tone than his anime counterpart. This is the only picture we got for Jet, but i’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
Danielle Pineda is playing flirty troublemaker Faye Valentine. Some may chafe that not only is Pineda not Singaporean, like Faye is in the anime, but that her outfit lacks the sex appeal too. This was to be expected, the lack of sex appeal in today’s society structure. Gone are the suspenders and the short shorts and nude stockings. A more conservative look with her trademark yellow top and (muted) red jacket and black denim pants. She looks a little more like an actual bounty hunter here. Hey they at least got her purple hair the right shade!
What do you think of the pics from this first look? Look out for Cowboy Bebop on November 19th on Netflix.