Oh man. We just left 2020 and its chaos behind. Now we are going to be entering a new year on the wrong foot, depending on your perspective.
Much of the excitement related to DC Comics films resides with the upcoming Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Depending on how you fall on the equation, you’re either completely indifferent (like me), or you’re absolutely elated about its release. The Snyder Cut is the zeitgeist of a concerted campaign of…enthusiastic fans of Zack Snyder’s take on the DC Pantheon of heroes. They were even more happy to learn that THEIR Batman, Ben Affleck, would be reprising his role in the upcoming (but often troubled) Flash film based on the Flashpoint storyline. The hope being that Affleck would continue being the Batman beyond that singluar film.
Well, this news tweet isn’t going to sit well with them.
The issue here of course, that Brooks Barnes is confirming that his interview with WB President Walter Hamada dashes all those hopes. Michael Keaton’s Batman from 1989 will be the Batman moving forward in DC Cinematic Universe films, which throws everything off continuity wise. Like I have long since stopped pretending I know what the hell WB is doing with their DC films. This only further confuses me, and probably you as well. Why do this? What is the approach they are going for? How is any of this going to make any sense whatsoever.
All you can do at this point is throw you hands up in the air. WB is apparently throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.